Chances are, last week’s full moon in Leo changed how you view or express yourself. (It isn’t considered the most dramatic zodiac sign for nothin’.) Thankfully, your weekly horoscope for January 28 to February 3, 2024, could bring confirmation that you’re on the right path and reveal new sources of support.
But first, some intensity: You could feel called to make a decision that feels fated on January 28 when Mars in Capricorn forms a tense square with the lunar nodes, or invisible points in the sky where the moon’s orbit intersects with the Earth’s. Whatever big choice you may make on this day has the potential to alter your life’s path. The good news is, on the same day, communication-oriented Mercury forms a supportive trine with rebellious Uranus, inspiring innovative thinking. You’re able to seek solutions and utilize your intuition to make decisions you’ll stand by in the future.
Also that same day, love-planet Venus trines fortuitous Jupiter. These two planets are considered the luckiest in the sky (AKA, the “benefics“)—and when they mingle, we can feel more emotionally and financially grounded. This could bring more tender interactions with loved ones… or on the resources front, perhaps a helpful raise or overdue promotion.
The following day, January 29, brings another positive trine, this time between Uranus and action-oriented Mars. The energy encourages you to ditch what you know and try something new. You’re ready to leave your comfort zone, and as a reward, you can make some unexpected progress on one of your goals.
You’re ready to leave your comfort zone, and as a reward, you can make some unexpected progress on one of your goals.
As the week wraps up, you could feel more compassion toward and understanding of others with communicative Mercury in Capricorn sextiling dreamy Neptune in Pisces. The Neptune energy in the air also makes it an aligned time to engage in a spiritual practice—as does the last quarter moon in moody Scorpio on the same day, which will push you to reflect on what in your life you may be ready to release.
To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for January 28 to February 3, 2024. (Note: You’ll want to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect.)
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full January 2024 horoscope, or take a broader look at your yearly 2024 horoscope.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from January 28 to February 3, 2024
- Sunday, January 28: Mars in Capricorn square the Lunar Nodes
- Sunday, January 28: Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
- Sunday, January 28: Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
- Monday, January 29: Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
- Tuesday, January 30: Moon enters Libra
- Thursday, February 1: Moon enters Scorpio
- Friday, February 2: Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
- Friday, February 2: Last quarter moon in Scorpio
- Saturday, February 3: Moon enters Sagittarius
Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for January 28 to February 3, 2024
You could feel like your decisions carry serious weight and consequence on January 28, Aries, when Mars in Capricorn squares off with the lunar nodes. Repressed resentment or anger may be mounting, but just know that it’s there for a reason: Use it as a guide to inform the boundaries you set and help you reclaim your power.
Luckily, the trine between Venus and Jupiter on that same day will bring more harmony and ease to all of your interactions, as well as allow you to recognize your unique gifts and skills, and where you feel most supported.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 encourages you to do an audit of your social circle. Who is genuinely rooting for you, and who is just keeping tabs on you? Consider making a change in how you’re investing your energy accordingly.
You could make big-time progress toward a personal goal on January 28, Taurus, when the Venus-Jupiter trine arrives. That could look like a positive breakthrough with a creative project or an opportunity to deepen a close relationship—perhaps you’re discussing the future with a partner.
Toward the end of the week, you’d be wise to connect and collaborate with others as Mercury in your fellow Earth sign Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on February 2. On this day, in particular, you’ll find that when it comes to problem-solving, two heads are better than one. And a simple chat can take an acquaintanceship to the next level.
That same day, the last quarter moon in Scorpio could ask you to make a critical decision regarding your life path. If you’ve been considering ending a business contract or relationship, this is an aligned day to do so. You’re recognizing how precious your time is, and you’re ready to stop holding onto things from the past just for the sake of it.
You could be processing big feelings on January 28, Gemini, as Venus trines Jupiter—but these supportive planets won’t leave you out to dry. The energy is ripe for working through past wounds and triggers, and receiving intuitive messages that can help you heal. At the same time, you may feel ready to make a commitment or sign a contract that leads to more security.
You’re eager to feel more present on January 30 when the moon enters your fellow air sign Libra. The next two days bring your attention to activities and hobbies that make you feel grateful for the life you’re living. Perhaps you have a fun date night on the books… or you’re just vibing with one of your creative or side projects.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 invites you to prune your daily routine. What obligations and responsibilities are you ready to release? And how can you reclaim your free time?
You’re deciding whether you should stay or go, Cancer, when Mars in Capricorn squares off with the fated lunar nodes on January 28. That means questioning what’s really meant to be, and whether you’ve perhaps been brushing some tension under the rug in one of your close partnerships. You could also start a new contract or project on this day that may feel fated or karmic.
The good news is, supportive energy is also in your corner on this day when Venus and Jupiter sync up. This is an encouraging day to discuss the future with a romantic partner. You may also learn news about a new ally or source of support who is ready to invest in you and your next big idea. Your work and skills are singled out and standing out.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 urges you to be raw and vulnerable. Today, you’re more likely to share pieces of yourself that you normally keep tucked away. This is also a moment of release: You may realize that in order to focus on certain personal pursuits, you need to cut back on the energy you’re devoting to others.
You’ve been working so hard, Leo, and it’s all about to pay off on January 28 when Venus in Capricorn meets with Jupiter in Taurus. Here comes the raise or moment of recognition or additional support you’ve so desperately wanted.
The trine between Mars and innovative Uranus on January 29 could have you switching up your habits… and sometimes, a little disruption is a good thing! This is a great day to take a risk and do something that you’ve been avoiding or that scares you.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 could bring news in your personal life. You could learn something important regarding a family member, be in the middle of making a decision about your living situation, or even feel an overwhelming desire to move on from a past situation that’s been holding you back.
If you’re in the dating game, don’t lose hope just yet, Virgo. Your weekly horoscope for January 28 to February 3, 2024, reveals that you could meet someone who gives you butterflies when Venus syncs with Jupiter. In another realm, you may also be publishing something, sharing your expertise with a wider audience, or even going viral.
Just be prepared for ongoing discussions or negotiations to take a surprising turn on January 29, when Mars connects with renegade Uranus. News or information that is revealed makes you feel like you want to act now. You’re realizing that in order to reach the next phase of your current goals, you’re going to need to take some risks.
When Mercury in Capricorn forms a supportive sextile with Neptune in Pisces on February 2, you could engage in a vulnerable conversation that warms your heart. You may also intuitively know that one of your friends, a lover, or a family member needs your support today. Consider lending your ear and sharing your advice, if you’re asked.
Tension has been building in your family life, Libra, and you can no longer ignore it when Mars in Capricorn clashes into the lunar nodes on January 28. Drama with a family member or even a roommate or close friend may boil over—and you’re feeling the urge to express how you really feel.
Fortunately, the same day, Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, heightening your intuition. You may be making a decision that alters your sense of comfort or stability, but you’ll know it’s the right one to make. You also have the opportunity to use some of your past pain as mulch to support your growth in the present.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 brings your attention to your resources. This is a great day to cancel any subscriptions for services that you rarely use, and pay attention to how you’re using your money on a regular basis. Scaling back will free up more funds for you to invest into meaningful projects and hobbies.
You’re ready to take the next step in a relationship, Scorpio, when Venus mingles with Jupiter on January 28. In particular, romance is on the mind—and the conversations you’re having could help establish a whole new level of intimacy with a partner. If you’re in the early stages of a relationship, you could be discussing exciting topics, like moving in together or saying “I love you” for the first time.
Separately, if you’ve been overextending yourself at work, the moon in Libra on January 30 calls your attention to that. The next two days remind you that you’re no good for anyone else if you’re not tending to your own well-being and getting enough rest.
The last quarter moon on February 2 is in your sign, encouraging you to stand up for your needs—even if it makes others feel disappointed or uncomfortable. You might be feeling sensitive and nostalgic, but as you go down Memory Lane, you could come to a new understanding of who and what is really worthy of your energetic resources.
You’re feeling confident in your skills and what you bring to the table, Sagittarius, when Venus in Capricorn connects with Jupiter in Taurus on January 28. Rather than seeking external validation, you’re turning inward for self-assurance.
There could be a shift in your personal resources or the way you’re supporting yourself when active Mars trines innovative Uranus on January 29. Perhaps you decide to invest your time and energy into a new project that could be a big money-maker down the line. In any case, you’re also switching up your daily routine and working to kick unsupportive habits in order to make more progress toward your goals.
As Mercury syncs with Neptune on February 2, you’re feeling more depth and intimacy in your personal relationships. It’s possible, too, that a close friend or someone whom you consider family could surprise you with a gift or even an heirloom.
You’re basically the main character this week, Capricorn, especially on January 28 when Venus, in your sign, shares a cosmic kiss with Jupiter in Taurus. That means you could be the recipient of some lucky news, and you’re feeling supported and optimistic about the goals you’ve set for yourself. Romance and creativity are also in the air: You’re ready to take the next step with a partner, venture out into the dating world once again, or put your heart and soul into a passion project.
A bold streak could come over you on January 29 when energetic Mars, in your sign, mingles with Uranus in Taurus. You feel unstoppable… and you are. Today, you can successfully launch something new or make a ton of progress on a personal goal, and you’re feeling grateful for how far you’ve come in the process.
Just take note: The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 delivers a reality check about how you’re investing your time, energy, and money. If you’ve had your heart set on a specific goal, but nothing seems to be working, today is the day to consider how you can pivot and make adjustments to your plan.
You could become more aware of a particular self-defeating behavior, Aquarius, and realize that something’s got to give when Mars in Capricorn clashes with the lunar nodes on January 28. And yes, that means acknowledging the part you’re playing in continuing an unsupportive cycle. Just note that making a change in your mindset now can result in a ripple effect of good outcomes down the road.
Luckily, a few exciting developments could also arise in the background of your life on the same day, as Venus forms a happy trine with Jupiter. Perhaps someone is speaking highly of you behind closed doors… and a career opportunity could be around the corner. You may also receive a gift today or just feel more nurtured by your close relationships.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio on February 2 will feel personal to you, and it is! You’re sensing a shift in your own identity as you continue to climb steadily toward a new level of professional, or personal, success. You’re also ready to release the urge to please people and put other people’s expectations over your own needs and values.
You’re prioritizing connections that make you feel seen and valued, Pisces, when Venus in Capricorn links up with Jupiter in Taurus on January 28. Networking (and asking your friends for support) can lead you to game-changing connections. Luck is also on your side if you’re negotiating any kind of contract today.
When the moon enters Libra on January 30, you’re focused on your investments and finances. The next two days are prime time for getting an early start on your taxes, paying down some of your credit cards, or renegotiating contracts that feel too limiting.
You’d be wise to spend some time meditating—or at the very least, record your dreams—on February 2, as the last quarter moon arrives in Scorpio. If you create a calm and quiet container for it, you could have a revelation about what step to take next on your path… and it’s a good idea to act on that gut feeling.
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